The Boston Bruins win the Stanley Cup and Vancouver Riots. What’s up with this? Canada is supposed to be full of nice people, clean streets and no crime. Canada is basically what George Herbert Walker Bush meant by a kinder, gentler America. And the U.S. took notice of the Vancouver riot and it was the top story on NBC Nightly News. Think about this for a moment people. The U.S. took notice and became interested in Canada. Now think about the other countries the U.S. has taken an interest in lately - Iraq; Libya; Afghanistan; Yemen. Do we really want the U.S. interested in Canada? Clean up your act Vancouver before you spoil it for the rest of the country.
Maybe it was just the shock of seeing angry, destructive Canadians. Canadians are not viewed by Americans as foreigners but after witnessing this behaviour Canada was totally foreign to them, after all Canadians are supposed to be courteous, kind and forgiving. American`s think free healthcare. What’s there to be angry about?
Anthony Weiner, the sexting, well endowed, cocky, (pardon the pun) New York Democratic Congressman has resigned. His career in politics is finished. As an HR Professional I have some job seeking advice for Mr. Weiner and not the kind of job he`s been used to either if you catch my drift. He should call 1-800- Got Junk. He would make the perfect spokesperson, n’est pas? Someone will hire him. He seems like a “hands-on” kind of guy. He obviously has great hand/eye coordination.
The media is not letting up on Mr. Weiner either even though he has personally handed in his resignation. Which leads me to think the guy must be ambidextrous or perhaps had a free hand at the time.
Weiner gives a whole new meaning to news in briefs.
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If you're going to read it could you at least check it off that you read it?
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