My apologies for not writing and providing no explanation as to why or my whereabouts. It appears I may be in crisis; a woman on the verge. This thing that prevents me from writing has a hold on me that while initially thought to be innocent enough, has virtually taken over my very life. No I do not eat couch cushion, although I suppose in a pinch it could be rather tasty, all those hidden crumbs and all. I do not eat chalk even though there was a time in kindergarten when paste was considered a food group and not just for gluing anymore. And no, I do not mind that one would simply assume or consider my problem to be a food addiction, she said clearly minding, assuming and considering. I digress.....and eat.
No, lately I have been caught in a struggle so intense that in the process, I hope beyond hope, that I may secure my niche in the presence of my rivals even though my competition pales in comparison to the hundreds of brand name potato chips jockeying for position on all kitchen cupboards. Well perhaps only my kitchen cupboards and maybe a third of North American kitchen cupboards. Nonetheless, it’s been an exhausting and trying time. The culprit is tennis.
Yes tennis has taken on a life of its own and taken over mine. If I am not playing the game, I am watching it in ad nauseam. I suppose it could be worse. I could suffer from compulsive scab picking; hair pulling or even hoarding. But I choose tennis. These latter activities do not release the satisfying endorphins that are indeed triggered by certain activities like tennis or a runner’s high; or Dexter finding a fresh neck in a dark alley.
So please accept my sincere apologies for my absence (or perhaps it was a welcomed pause). I am trying to cut back on my addiction and will do my best to continue writing the drivel that is this blog.
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