Do you find sarcasm is sometimes an effective way to communicate? How stupid is this question? Seriously, like I need you to answer that. If you ask me it’s the only way to communicate? When it comes to sarcasm I’m with the television character House. Using sarcasm is better than having to kill the person; words to live by people. Hell, how would anyone get through the day without a bucket of it? And according to Israeli researchers, (and guaranteed they had a substantial control group. Guess who?) hearing sarcasm can make you more creative? Well then fix the freaking West Bank already! If this is in fact true, and sarcasm indeed makes one more creative, then I should be f##king F. Scott Fitzgerald or Hemingway. Not literally because the guys have been dead for a while. I’m speaking figuratively of course. Or am I being sarcastic? Hmm.....you decide.
Yes according to a recent report in the Journal of Applied Psychology, people who had overheard anger conveyed in a sarcastic way were better able to solve creative problems. Watching Jon Stewart might make you more creative The report goes on to say, “The real-life implications of this research might apply to the office, or your home life: If you're angry, you might want to express your fury with a healthy dose of sarcasm.” For example, your spouse encourages you to find employment by networking. To which you reply, “Why of course. Why didn’t I think of that? I’ll just socialize with people I detest and with any luck one day I’ll be able to work with them!”

Sarcasm is like a drug for many of us. Without it we can’t go on. With it, it serves no discernable purpose other than to make one feel superior. And in this life do not the laurels go to the fastest and cleverest rats? But enough about me.
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