So if you haven't heard already there's a children's book for adults on the best sellers list which is a must read for any and all parents. The title of the book is Go the Fuck To Sleep. I include a Wiki link here. Go the Fuck to Sleep
In the spirt of this book, I have written a similar one with the theme of trying to find work with the unemployment rate climbing. Hope you enjoy and if any of you have a word that rhymes with "off" or would like to add to my short rhyming story, please feel free. Illustrations to follow.
It’s not turning out as I planned it. The older I get I do scoff. I can’t find a job for the life of me. The theme seems to be please fuck off.
It’s not like I haven’t been trying. I’m sure I’ve been doing enough. Still my status remains as “redundant”. The reply’s still the same, please fuck off.
Once I came close to an offer. I knew that the job would be tough. I was ready to say I accept it. Who knew they would say please fuck off.
You can’t make a horse drink the water. But you can lead the horse to the trough. The same can be said of the job hunt. Accept it or do please fuck off.
The process can be quite depressing. I may have to take some Zoloft. It will make things appear to be better. Once hearing the words “please fuck off”.
No I’m not alone with this problem? It’s contagious like a terrible cough? It’s true what they say about misery. It loves company when told please fuck off.
Too bad I didn’t play hockey. Could I have been the next Federov? I’d play for the Red Wings like he did and tell Toronto to please go fuck off.
No one said finding work would be easy. There are days when I need a Smirnoff. I consider the vodka a staple. If you disagree then please go fuck off.
What do I do to keep busy? I exercise to prevent being soft. Weiner knows a hard body is better. Now there’s a guy who needs to fuck off.
No point in getting down on yourself. Much like a plane I remain aloft. I’ll keep busy by playing some tennis, telling opponents to please go fuck off.
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