Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama's Last Stand

Who could live without a phone or access to the internet? No wonder I couldn’t find Osama on Facebook. How did he order take-out? Download porn? Get around? I suppose if you never leave the house there’s no need for MapQuest. Almost makes you feel sorry for the hardships he must have faced hiding out in that million dollar compound in Abbottabad, (pronounced hey butta boom butta bad) a mere kilometre from Pakistan's Military Academy at Kakul - the country's equivalent of West Point Academy. Pakistani intelligence (now there’s an oxymoron) has some explaining to do.

Some have said it diminishes America by celebrating someone’s death like it was Dick Clark’s rocking New Year’s Eve. I disagree. There was no dropping of the ball or fireworks. Too bad. There were however, plenty of revellers gathered at Ground Zero once news of the bin Laden’s demise broke. He was a bad seed; a horrible seed; one of the worst seeds the world has ever seen. Looked good in white though.

David Letterman’s top 10 list featured last words spoken by Osama bin Laden. I include it here and add one of my own. “Those Americans.....they kill me!”
Top 10 Final Words of Osama bin Laden

Justice has been served yet now the big question is should proof of his death be made public? The U.S. Senate voted 97-0 not to distribute photos of bin Laden’s dead body. I totally agree. Where’s the trust people? Dancing with the Stars doesn’t publish the viewing publics’ votes and no one ever questions the results of elimination. Same goes here. Why should we question that Osama bin Laden is really dead? Donald Trump hasn’t. That’s a good sign.

It would be remiss of me if I did not mention there was in fact a federal election in Canada on Monday, the day after bin Laden was caught and killed. All I can say about that is if a Liberal party falls in Ottawa, does anybody care?

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