Friday, May 6, 2011

Mommie Dearest

Mother's Day is fast approaching. I'm reminded of the time I once asked a friend (who is a mother) if she would like to purchase a ticket on a mother's day basket. Her response? "What's in it? Tylenol and ear plugs? So sweet. But seriously, it got me wondering, just what would be in the perfect mother's day basket besides the obvious, alcohol, vicadin and chocolate? You decide.

Many mom's work from home but they still know the office lingo. It might just be tweaked a bit. For instance, moms might get feedback on the evening's meal but it usually comes in the form of vomit. Moms also know kids were the original laptops.

Look at all of the lessons our moms have taught us. When we did something stupid our mom`s didn’t get mad they just blamed it on genetics. ``You`re just like your father! `` Did she or did she not teach us about our roots; our heritage? How many times did your mom ask, “Do you think you were brought up in a barn?” Am I right?

Our moms weren’t dumb either. Au contraire. What`s a dumbwaiter you might ask? Why a mom would say that's just somebody who doesn't think the kids want that ice cream dessert that comes with the children's menu. Happy Meal? No such thing. Ultimate oxymoron. Wasn`t it our mom`s who taught us it`s better to give than to receive. ``You`re going to get it when your father gets home! `` Oh the memories.

Happy Mother’s Day!

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