Thursday, May 12, 2011

Leaving for Las Vegas

Did you hear about the BC couple who got lost in the Nevada Mountains? The couple set out from Penticton, BC heading to Las Vegas when they decided to take a small detour, in the dark; in the mountains of Nevada; with little if any, rations. Needless to say the couple found themselves lost. While his 56-year-old wife remained behind in the vehicle, the 59 year-old spouse left on foot to try to find help. Seven weeks later, the van is spotted by a family on ATV’s. Subsisting on muddy water and a small supply of food, the woman is located inside the vehicle barely alive. Her partner, who had gone to seek directions and help, has yet to be found.

So what’s wrong with this scenario? Well for one thing Las Vegas? Really? Another thing is the fact the man left to seek help. Natural selection has made man inherently reluctant to ask for directions when lost. That is precisely why man invented the GPS. However, the woman is blaming the GPS on the fact that the couple got lost in the dark; in the mountains of Nevada; with little if any, rations. Yes, it’s tough for a GPS to locate Elm Street in the middle of the Nevada wilderness. Mine can hardly find the 401.

But there’s more. Once the woman was located, the 911 call was made from a “ranch down the road.” Is it just me or is there something rotten in the Nevada wilderness? Taking a small detour, in the dark, in the mountains of Nevada; with little if any rations, was never mentioned in Paul Simon’s popular song “50 ways to leave your lover”. I’m just saying. Sure the guy could be dead. There has been a search party out canvassing the entire area since the wife was located but there has been no sign of him. Are there dingoes in the mountains of Nevada? Don’t make me state the obvious.

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