Sunday, May 1, 2011

After the Wedding

After the Wedding was a 2007 Oscar nominated film from Denmark. It lost out to the German entrant, Lives of Others, which was indeed Oscar worthy. However, I mention After the Wedding here because the big question being asked now of the newly married royals, William and Kate is now what. What happens after the wedding; well besides the obvious of course? First comes love; then comes marriage; then comes Kate and William with the next in line to the throne.

Well there will no doubt be a host of other things that will transpire within the next nine months. Like ``William and Kate watch TV`` or ``Fascinator sales jump 50%`` or `William and Kate wave to the palace guards``. Yes, the man who would be king would be surprised if the National Enquirers of this world were not to print every miniscule, mundane moment of their royal, pathetic, public lives.

The man who would be King will have loads on that commemorative plate of his. It may surprise many to hear that whilst William and Kate are privately wealthy, they have no direct access to public money to fund their office and must ask William`s daddy for every penny they spend. Hey, my kid has to ask daddy too. William rides a motorbike, travels on scheduled airlines and (mostly) likes to keep things simple. It`s uncanny. My son has a job requiring he ride a moped, flies economy or stand-by and talk about keeping things simple. He personifies simple. But like Kate once was, he too is a commoner, an ordinary member of society who does not belong to nobility, which is nothing to be ashamed of. After all, nobility are famous for no reason. No need to lose your head over it. Well actually a number of them have. My bad.

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