Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"Trumped" Up Charges

In 1788 it was Ben Franklin who said “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Well it’s been over 200 years but we can now add one more certainty to Ben’s famous quote; “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes and the fact that Donald Trump is an absolute ass.”

The media is paying way too much attention to this celebrity seeking imbecile and as a result, has forced President Barrack Obama to go on national television, breaking news in fact, interrupting regularly scheduled programming and just when The Today Show was about to reveal top secret information about the royal wedding and answer that all important question, “Will Kate be wearing a tiara on her big day?” Now I’ll have to wait until Friday to find out. DAMN IT! Nevertheless, Obama finally put an end to this “Trumped” up charge brought to light once again by the comb over king of idiocy, Donald Trump, that he is not an American citizen.

President Obama joked about the fact that while the networks were carrying this statement regarding his birth certificate, there were many more substantive ones they passed on. Obama then got a zinger off by outing Chuck Todd, White House Correspondent for NBC, who just prior to the news conference said “he was amazed that Obama was not going to talk about national security” Obama shot back by saying, “I would not have the networks break in if I was talking about that, Chuck, and you know it.” Yes Chuck, we should all know about National Security so that we can give our enemies a heads up like they don’t already think the U.S. is a freaking circus filled with clowns like Trump and Palin and Fox News. I could just see the mud on Chuck’s face and I have to say it looked pretty good on him and the rest of the media who have jumped on board the sideshow that is the Trump crazy train lead by that carnival barker himself.

Forget about running a presidential campaign Donald. Get a haircut and get a real job.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cathy,,great stuff!! Well done!! Jim healy