Monday, April 25, 2011

Writer's Blockhead

It may appear to some as though I have abandoned my blog. The difficulty lies in trying to produce something new and creative. One idea I've been tossing around is "what happens if you wear night cream during the day?" Who's kidding who? I can't even take credit for that one. My son asked me. What is this condition that is inhibiting my writing prowess? Could it be writer's block? I used to think writer's block was simply an excuse made up by some whining author so they had an excuse to drink alcohol. Well not this whiner. I don't need an excuse.

But I am concerned and have to ask myself, what is this condition and how long can it last? We all get distracted. What was I saying? There are a number of reasons why one might fall victim to this condition. One could feel intimidated by a previous success. No, that can't be it. Perhaps the writer is busy and has no time to write. Nope. The writer is preoccupied with the upcoming royal wedding and can think of nothing else but William and Kate and what they will be wearing and who will be attending and whether it will rain in London on their very special day? That's just silly. Of course it will rain. It's London.

Hopefully this creative block is only temporary and I can get back to writing the drivel that is this blog. Why do I write? That is a question I often ask of myself. It is in the hope that you, the reader, find yourself uttering the complement to this question when you hear that little voice in your head saying, "Why the hell am I reading this."

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