Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cleavage - The New Novocaine

A dentist in Munich, Germany claims cleavages help patients narcotize. The belief being by causing a distraction the patient feels relief from pain much quicker. I’m sure administered in the correct dosage cleavage would indeed for many patients, especially men, induce some form of stupor. The strategy is said to be working based on the increase in patients, unsurprisingly all men. Whether pain is actually minimized is questionable. Evidently the outfits worn by staff at the Smile and Relax Dental Clinic cause the patients (without being asked) to open their mouths wide immediately upon entering the office.

When you build up a tolerance to pain medication often times it becomes necessary to increase the amount or dosage to maintain the required effect. So this begs the question. How does one increase the effectiveness of a small amount of cleavage once it`s tolerance wears off? Are see through smocks next? Should Fredericks of Hollywood or Victoria`s Secret delve into erotic designer dental wear?

Personally, having root canal performed by someone dressed as Erin Brockovich is not enough to lure me to the dentist. A bunch of angry Cossacks couldn’t drag me there. What would make visiting the dentist more pleasant? How about unlimited access to nitrous oxide while viewing Marathon Man, a study in contrasts.

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