Tuesday, November 2, 2010

No Tape For You!

Can somebody tell me how a person can mail a package on October 26th from Toronto to Carleton Place, Ontario and seven days later have the parcel be accepted at the postal station in Mississauga, Ontario, a 15 minute drive from the outlet where it was initially mailed? I'll tell you how; Canada Post that's how.

The package was mailed from an outlet located across the street from my condo. The customer service was typical of Canada Post; non-existent. The customer ahead of me asked to borrow some scotch tape. The clerk said they had none and told the customer to write the address on the parcel. The customer pleaded, "But I have made this label. All I need is a piece of scotch tape." Miraculously and with a look of contempt, the clerk pulled out a roll of scotch tape and grudgingly handed it to the customer. Now I ask you, when did scotch tape become a precious commodity? She wasn’t asking for a kidney. She needed a piece of tape. I too required tape but having witnessed the angst that customer experienced, I cowered and chose instead to purchase a role of tape rather than suffer the same treatment at the hands of that postal clerk Nazi. A week later I made an official complaint to Canada Post. Take that bitches!

Remember the movie Network with the famous quote, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore?" When you pay a substantial amount of money ($13.20) to have something arrive on a specific date (Oct. 29), is it asking too much to receive what was promised to you; on time delivery? When I buy an orange I expect it to taste like an orange. When I purchase wine I expect fermented grapes.

In their defence I must say the post office is good at taking your package. They're just not very good at delivering your package.

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