Wednesday, November 3, 2010

California Dreamin

Proposition 19, which would have made marijuana legal in the great state of California, was shot down yesterday by the voting public. Proponents felt passing the law would mean a decline in marijuana arrests and an increase in tax revenue from the sale of pot to anyone over 21 years of age. They felt it would also stimulate the economy by creating jobs. Someone didn't do their homework. Even I know marijuana isn't a stimulant (but I never inhaled!)

These same proponents are also blaming elderly voters for not getting the proposition passed. The majority of voters who vote in midterm elections typically are the elderly. The young were no doubt chillin out with some cannabis and perhaps forgot there was an election even taking place.

If the proponents were looking for help from the elderly they should have targeted them in their campaign. Medicinally marijuana is a cure all. It's like modern day leeches for bloodletting. There are some well documented beneficial effects of marijuana including the amelioration (fancy word for making it tolerable) of nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy patients and increasing appetites in AIDS patients.
In layman's terms it induces the munchies. It relieves pressure on the eyes for those suffering with glaucoma. The average age of glaucoma patients is 60 and the probability of cancer increases with age.

The elderly voters didn’t put the kibosh to Proposition 19. The proponents failed to target the folks who stood to benefit from it the most. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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