Friday, November 12, 2010

My American Cousin

The Jersey Shore is about to introduce a Canadian spin-off, Lake Shore. This is just what Canadians need; more of the Americanization of Canada. Yes it would appear those Italian Americans Pauli D., Snooki, Jwoww, and the Situation will now be represented in Canada by a group of equally empty headed twentysomethings, each character being labelled by their ethnic background: Sibel, the "Turk"; Hollywood, the "Czech; Carolina the "Pole", Salem, the "Lebanese; Joey, the "Italian"; Robyn, the "Jew"; Arber, the "Albanian"; and Annie, the "Vietnamese". Sounds like a delightful proverbial melting pot.

After an eight minute trailer was released on Twitter Monday, Torontonians became concerned the shows depiction of unflattering stereotypes would taint this culturally diverse city. I think we may have past "tainting the city" on Election Day but I could be wrong.

In the preview, the "Turk" reveals the following: "I'm not a racist because I hate everybody equally." Replace "a racist" with the word "prejudice" and Turk has just quoted W.C. Field. Preview of things to come? Perhaps, but I predict a sad reality as opposed to comedy. However; it is laughable that there is an audience who is interested or even cares about this drivel. But then again, The Jersey Shore managed to attract a fair amount of viewers. Which only goes to prove voyeurism is alive and there appears to be a wide audience for this inane, trivial trash TV.

American broadcasters responded by saying, “Right back at ya Canada” and ABC announced their own version of the Canadian program, “Skating with the Stars”, set to air in November, 2010. Which begs the question, is there no one out there with an original idea?

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