Friday, November 19, 2010

The Infamous Christmas Letter

Sunday is the annual Santa Claus Parade here in Toronto and you know what that means: those annual annoying letters, usually a litany of pompous bragging from our so called friends and family will be soon arriving in the mail. Yes we will all discover that our long lost cousins spent their summer vacationing at Six Flags and how fortunate are they to have purchased that $600,000 thousand dollar starter home for a mere $490,000. Don’t you just love spreading Christmas cheer?

Where is it written that we must endure the mundane existence of others? I can’t keep up with my own mundane existence. If you’re going to send me a letter regaling me of your latest achievements then please, by all means, embellish at will. I so enjoy embellishment. You know the ones about your second cousins who live in LA and work in the movie business? When in reality they tear tickets at a local cinema. Working in the arts sounds so much better.

I’m tempted to write my own letter this year. “Yes we found the source of our fruit fly problem and the traps work great. The neighbours haven’t quite yet forgiven us for that mishap with their dog’s leash getting caught up in the elevator between floors but I am happy to report that the for sale sign has been removed. And I can’t be certain, but I do believe eye contact may have been made however briefly, as we passed in the narrow hallway. I am hopeful it won’t be long before we are all once again on speaking terms.”

So enjoy the parade and please keep those cards and letters coming. Yes, Christmas, Christmas is here.

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