Thursday, October 7, 2010

Historically Speaking

Today I read the funniest article titled, If Facebook had always existed. This was just one of the entries.

So it got me thinking about other entries that we all may have missed out on had Facebook always been around. Like the following:

Dr. Seuss: Do you like green eggs and ham?
Sam I am: r u kidding me man? green eggs and ham? I'd rather eat a can of spam.
Dr. Seuss: What is this thing you'd rather eat?
Sam I am: Supposedly some kind of meat.

William Shakespeare: 2 b or not 2 b
Editor: wtf?
William Shakespeare: That is the question.
Editor: I can't sell that shit man.
William Shakspeare: Too much?

You get my drift. I am having way too much fun with this. The possibilities are endless.

Albert Einstein: Working late on my theory of relativity.
Mrs. Albert Einstein: Well the relatives are on their way over for dinner.
Albert Einstein: Sorry. Completely forgot.
Mrs. Albert Einstein: Genius my ass.

Sorry. It's late. So wanted to get to Sigmund Freud and penis envy. Next time.

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