Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Departed

I am en route to Ottawa via Via Rail. When requesting my ticket the train attendant addressed me as Miss. That kind of made my day. I often get insulted if a passenger does not ask to sit in the seat next to me, like I am not train travel worthy. But that didn't happen today because plaid shirt asked if the seat next to me was taken. Mind you those were the only words exchanged and this is a four hour train ride.

You know what you see while travelling by train at night? You see a whole lot of nothing. The cows aren't lying down so it's probably not going to rain but they are eating grass just below and around the high voltage power lines. This concerns me. Growing up we were told it was dangerous or causes cancer to live near or around high voltage power lines. Is this true or not? If cows are grazing there and eating the grass and we eat the cows does the threat transfer to humans? That sounds a lot like a Bruce Cockburn song. If a cow eats near the voltage, does anybody care?

The majority of passengers departed the train in a place called Port Hope. I am thinking they must commute to Toronto for work. That's over an hour commute each way. Remember the study that claimed people who sleep 6.5 hours a day and work 7.5 hours a day are happier? (A few blogs back) Well this same study also said people who have only a 20 minute commute to work are happier. That must have been an unhappy bunch of people getting off in Port Hope. (Departing the train I mean)

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