Friday, October 8, 2010

Leave it to Beaver

Today I went on a nature walk with a bunch of five years olds. We were to look for telltale signs of Autumn; falling leaves; birds flying south; new episodes of our favourite television programs. I did learn a thing or two on this walk. First and foremost, no women over 50 in her right mind should even think about having a child. I don't care if 50 is the new 40 or the fact that science is so advanced women could potentially give birth post menopause. Five year olds are human Energizer batteries. They keep going and going and going. They have the innate ability to zap all energy from the adult human species. Scientists should be tapping into this energy resource. Am I the only one aware of this?

Secondly, I thought I knew almost all there was to know about the beaver. They build dams; they have two really big front teeth; they are a symbol of this great country we call Canada; and their name is quite possibly the most famous double entendre there is. And yet today I learned one other fun fact featuring this furry vile creature. All that neatly placed wire meshing found gathered around many of the small trees we walked past was placed there to prevent the beavers from eating the bark thus destorying the tree. I thought the wire meshing was placed there to prevent the tree from uprooting itself due to high winds. What can I say? I have lived a sheltered life. I really need to get out of the house more often. Even if it's with a bunch of runny nosed five year olds.

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