Thursday, October 28, 2010

Stupid is as stupid does

If I may quote Clarence Darrow, "The world is made up for the most part of morons and natural tyrants, sure of themselves, strong in their own opinions, never doubting anything." Now remove the word 'world' and insert 'View'. Seriously, you can't fix stupid. Someone please tell me how these women get to go on national television and spew. I've had more in-depth conversations with a senior kindergarten class on a fall field trip. I really need to find a job so I can stop watching the shit that passes for entertainment on television. It's like a cat fight everyday between Elizabeth Hesselbeck, the right wing conservative, holier than thou miss prissy; Whoopi Goldberg, the foul mouthed know-it-all; Barbara Walters, the creator and producer whom without her money, there would be no View; (We can only hope she goes broke.); Joy Bahar who doesn't respect anyone's opinion on anything and Sherri Shepperd who says she doesn't believe in evolution and is still not certain whether the earth is round. And I can't get hired? I'm with Gabriel Garcia Marquez; the world is a botched job.

There may be a reason why I can't get hired though. The Toronto Star once again reported a study that showed attractive people are repeatedly better off than those with a face only a mother could love; that they make more money; get better jobs and are more apt to get off the hook when it comes to being convicted of a crime and as if this weren't enough, they tend to get free stuff. I would go one step further and say they are the ones getting tickets to Oprah's favourite things show. But it seems being beautiful can be a detriment to being hired. So take that!

Could this be the reason I am unable to find work? Ok so maybe I haven't been passed up for a job because I am devastatingly good looking but if EI starts asking questions that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

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