Friday, October 22, 2010

A Star is Born

The movie 'The Vow', starring Rachael McAdams began shooting in Toronto this past September. The movie is based on a real life story of a New Mexico couple. Shortly after marrying, McAdams character is involved in a car crash and suffers a head injury. When she wakes from her coma she doesn't remember her husband. At this very moment I am undecided on whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Regardless, at the time of the shoot Craigslist was advertising for extras. Turns out my son took them up on their offer and lo and behold was contacted. He was cast as a concert goer, not a huge stretch for him since he is a 20 year old, unemployed university student/musician. Even he can get a job. He and other would be actors were bussed to a film studio/production facility in Scarborough and spent the next eight hours acting out their roles. It wouldn't have taken so long had McAdams's co-star Tatum Channing not continually flubbed his line. Seems he had a difficult time uttering the words, "What can I say? I guess love is alive and well at Lollapalooza." (Say that fast three times.) Lollapalooza is in Chicago and home to an annual music festival featuring alternative rock, punk, heavy metal and hip hop genres. The best part was my son was also selected for a series of head shots which will be randomly placed in the crowd scene throughout the concert shoot to make it appear there were many more in attendance. And to top it all off he was paid for his time. Of course he was in it for the money and totally unaware of the celebrities status. In fact, at one point he looked to his buddy and said, "That girl over there looks just like Rachael McAdams." To which his friend replied, "That's because it is her." What can I say? The apple doesn't fall from the proverbial tree. Nice to know she indeed looks like herself though.

Well in Tuesday's Toronto Star there's a photo of Rachael and Tatum embracing on the set of the movie. Seems they are now a couple. When I told my son he said he thought they showed some chemistry on the set of the movie. Of course this was when he realized it was in fact Rachael. What does a 20 year old know about chemistry anyway? When I was 20 chemistry meant test tubes, lab experiments and the elements. Now it's "Pheromones R Us".

(My sources tell me the man in the newspaper photo was Rachael's latest beau Michael Sheen. My bad.)

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