Saturday, October 16, 2010

Relation Shipwrecks

Seems once again some high profile celebrity marriages are on the rocks. The reason given is usually because the couple has "grown apart". Don't you just want to slap them and say "grow up!" Money can't buy happiness but it can get you a damn good divorce settlement.

Because celebrity break-ups are high profile the media are like piranhas with a piece of meat dangling in front of them. The feeding frenzy just never ends. But let's face it these people have the means to get out of a sinking relationship. Those without the means end up like the 33 miners; trapped with no way out. The miners got lucky. So just how do other couples manage?

Well I can only speak for myself but when I am feeling unloved (ignored) I shut down. I simply pretend I do not exist. It's simple if...then...logic. If I do not exist then beds do not get made; meals go unprepared; dishes pile up in the sink. Oh I'm well versed in the art of pretending all right. For several years I pretended I liked my job when in fact I would sooner have had root canal work completed without anaesthetic. Don't even get me started on the relatives. I deserve a freaking Oscar for those performances. It's a fine line between pretend and reality though. But the reality is no one likes being ignored. Relationships flounder because of it. Remember Fatal Attraction? "I won't be ignored, Dan." I think Glenn Closes's character was misunderstood. So she boiled the kid's bunny. At least it wasn't a puppy. Who among us doesn’t like a nice rabbit stew?

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