Sunday, October 17, 2010

Real to Reel

I had a field day at the movies these last few days. It’s not like I have anything better to do. Buried was as I suspected my worst nightmare. Ryan Reynolds’s character worked as a truck driver in Iraq. The convoy he was part of was ambushed and all he can remember is being hit in the head with a rock as he wakes up inside a wooden coffin with nothing but his cell phone and a Zippo lighter. If I only had a dime for every time I have dreamt about being buried alive I seriously would have a good chunk of change and I could probably stop starting my sentences with, "Well my therapist says”. But I must admit my dream never involved a Zippo lighter or a cell phone, ever; just darkness; no way out and a saliva soaked pillow over my head. Ryan's cell phone had three bars of service six feet under. I can't get service in the subway system. WTF? If you're not a fan of small, dark spaces, (or snakes) I wouldn't recommend it.

Nowhere Boy was the story of John Lennon; the early years, pre Ringo, and his relationships with his mom, Julia; Aunt Mimi (the ultimate love/hate relationship); and his introduction to Paul and George. I wasn’t expecting it to be as sad a story as it was but it was enlightening just the same. Good music of course (Anthology) and the actor who portrayed John was bang on. It was no wonder Lennon was the artist; poet; singer; song writer that he was. They say you write what you know and John Lennon certainly took that to heart. If any of you are capable of viewing this movie 'sans tears', (French for you have no soul) then you should be commended for being one cold hearted bastard. (Kind of like Aunt Mimi without the tea and cookies.)

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