Friday, October 15, 2010

Reaper Madness

Saw The Hereafter tonight. Had intended to see Buried but realized I've had enough of confined spaces like copper mines and condos for the moment. The Hereafter is Clint Eastwood's latest flick. It stars Matt Damon as an American blue collar worker with a special connection to the afterlife. I am no stranger to the paranormal. Or is that the abnormal? Why I have been known to drop a few dollars at the psychic fair on occasion and was once the successful bidder on a Tarot card reading. Sure the psychics will tell you "you will meet a tall dark stranger." What they don't tell you is that stranger happens to be the grim reaper and we will all eventually meet him/her/it. "Buried" is starting to look pretty good right about now.

The characters in the movie had either a near death experience or lost someone really close to them. Matt Damon was able to relay messages to the survivors from their dearly departed. Even if you're a psychic sceptic like me, you have to give Clint credit for broaching the subject on the big screen. The guy’s 80 years old after all and death is probably something he thinks about when he’s not too busy making movies about it. But here’s a fact. His mom lived to be 97. Wouldn’t you just love to ask him, “Do you feel lucky? Well do ya?"

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