Monday, October 18, 2010

The Miner, the Mother-in-law and the Mistress

According to yet another survey, women stated they would prefer to go to the gynaecologist than have to spend time with their mothers-in-law. The gynaecologist was followed by jury duty; completing their income taxes; or having a root canal. One woman went so far as to schedule a tonsillectomy during the American Thanksgiving just to get out of having to visit their mother-in-law over the holidays; an act of desperation or ingenious plan? You decide.

Also in the news, turns out the Chilean miner Yonni Barrios, who had both a wife and mistress, also has a second mistress and evidently an insatiable appetite when it comes to the opposite sex. When did he have time to work? But it turns out Yonni is not the sole philandering miner. It has been reported two other miners have some infidelities of their own. One has a five year old son with his wife and a girlfriend who is seven months pregnant. The other has four women in his life; a wife; a live-in girlfriend; a woman claiming to have had his child; and another claiming to be having an affair with him. Is Chile where all soap opera plots originate? I am totally smelling reality show here.

Other news is surfacing about the miners and their ordeal underground. For the first 14 days the miners had no light just pitch blackness. I have a hard time finding my bathroom in the middle of the night and I am surrounded by neon lights; a 24 hour Metro and an illuminated billboard the size of my condo. Not to mention it’s like five feet away.

Those miners may have been digging for copper but they are sitting on a gold mine right now. Everyone wants a piece of them and vice versa so it would seem.

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