Saturday, October 9, 2010

Mom - Poke Back

Happy Thanksgiving Canada. This is the weekend Canadians gather with family and friends to give thanks for three day weekends. This also happens to be Columbus Day weekend in the US. You know in 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Basically it`s a long weekend for all of us only Canadians will be stuffing a turkey as well as themselves and Americans will be celebrating the discoverer of America. A place that before Christopher arrived was simply referred to by the Indians as “Ours”.

Saturday Night Live just did a skit on a device to prevent moms from accessing their kids Facebook. The device was called ``My Mom is on Facebook filter``. I immediately took offence to this. For one thing I am a mom and I happen to be on Facebook. Evidently getting an e-mail that your mom just poked you is not a good thing. Touché. But I like chatting with my son on Facebook. Sure I`m probably on Facebook a little more than the average person, like always, but that`s not the point. Trix might be for kids but there`s nothing that states Facebook is.

Besides where would I put all of my lame blog posts?

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