Sunday, October 10, 2010

Liberal Party Crashers

A vineyard in Saint-Ulric, Quebec will be the recipient of Federal government funds to establish a wine therapy centre or "Vinoterapia". The funds will be used towards creating a spa and purchasing pool equipment. The Liberals are of course calling this wasteful spending. The conservatives call it creating jobs and infrastructure. I am just calling to arrange for an appointment.

Seems wine is not just for drinking anymore. Bathing in wine draws impurities from the skin promoting anti-aging, slimming and relaxation. So the key is to put it on you not in you. It could potentially become confusing when telling someone you are having wine in the hottub. Will you be soaking or drinking? Wine could just be the legendary fountain of youth we all seek. I'll drink to that as well as bathe.

You'll have to forgive me. I have just finished eating my annual Thanksgiving turkey dinner and I do believe I am tripping on tryptophan. That is potent shit. I cannot keep my eyes open. Never mind warm milk or counting sheep. Eat some turkey and all the trimmings and you will be sleeping like a baby in no time.

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