Monday, October 4, 2010

Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up

Marilyn Denis, Canadian television and radio personality will be hosting a new show in January 2011 and is looking for regular folk like you and me to be an on-air contributor and offer up their expertise, whatever that may be.

If anyone has a passionate preoccupation Marilyn is looking for them. I'm pretty sure she'd draw the line on certain things. So if you're preoccupied with serial killing like Jeffrey Dahmer or assembling a Ponzi scheme like Bernie Madoff, you might want to keep that expertise to yourself.

This open casting call got me thinking about my passions. Well I love writing; the movies; Chardonnay; tennis; the New England Patriots; Dancing with the Stars and chocolate but not necessarily in that order. But I’m also an expert at other things like doling out sarcasm; road rage; driving (What can I say? You can’t have one without the other.); forgetting where I leave my eyeglasses; car keys; purse; small children (that only happened once that I can remember); cell phone; remote. And just this minute I've lost my way. (I.e. my gps; ironic isn't it?)

I think I may just have to check this out and I fully intend to just as soon as I find that sheet of paper with the web address on it.

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