Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I'll Have What She's Having

Imagine my surprise to read the front page of the entertainment section in the Toronto Star titled "Survey exposes 'orgasm gap'. And to think there are people out there who claim statistics are boring. After I wiped the spewed tea off my morning paper I went on to read the findings of the major U.S. study.

Seems a large sex study revealed many women don't reach orgasm even if their partners claim they do. Now I can't speak for everyone but the worse one I ever had was pretty damn good and I have never faked it. I've faked many other things in my life like my age; weight; being sick; liking someone; (usually relatives) but never it. The study goes on to say 85% of men said their partner had an orgasm while only 64% of the women stated they actually did. So somewhere out there are some really good actresses albeit frustrated actresses, but actresses none the less.

The study also found women over 50 were more likely to reach orgasm when having sex with a new partner. What does this mean? And where are these partners? And why are they new? Did women over 50 suddenly decide to become sluts and why is this the first time I am reading about this? I swear I am always the last to know about all the latest social trends.

1 comment:

Ryan McFadden said...

Oh come on, you've never faked it? Hell, I'm a GUY and I've faked it (yes, it does pose a few more challenges than a woman...but it's possible).

It's all about pressure really. They're impatient (they're happy...errr...well 64% of the time, according to the article, they're happy) and now they're waiting for me...and they've kind of checked out at this point...and well...the pressure (but not THAT pressure) builds until finally...oops...I faked it.