Saturday, September 25, 2010

Would I Lie to You?

Today I went to Sobey's to pick up a few things. (Big day) The parking lot was full so I had to park in a pretty tight spot. (Seems to be the story of my life lately) While exiting my vehicle I accidentally, slightly, unintentionally, without thinking, and ever so lightly, banged the door into the black vehicle parked next to me. There were three young men (in their 20’s) sitting in the vehicle obviously waiting for the driver to return. I checked for any damage; held up my right hand and gave the boys a wave to indicate no harm done while mouthing the words "so sorry". I quickly went about my business. Upon returning to my van and seeing the black vehicle still there, I opened my door slowly, carefully and methodically so as not to repeat the previous incident. The driver of the black vehicle returned just as I was backing out and the three young men obviously told him to check his door which he did. And I thought seriously, why would I lie about it? As the driver waved it off indicating no harm done I couldn’t help myself and without warning or hesitation looked directly at the boys, held my hands up like I was the soccer goalie about to catch the ball before it entered the net and said "WTF!" Now I ask you, was that wrong?

Sure at one time or another I may have been accused of being a bad driver; bad parker; bad date; bad housekeeper; bad employee; bad dresser; but a liar? Never. (unless it was completely and totally necessary)

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