Sunday, September 26, 2010

Toronto in Seven Words or Less

Good news. The Toronto Star Newspaper is calling for adjectives. The paper would like its readers to provide seven words that best describe their Toronto. Yes, Christmas has arrived early for me this year.

This reminds me of the seven words you can never say on television; a monologue provided by the late, great George Carlin in 1972. (Check it out) Perhaps this is where the idea originated.

Regardless, I have been giving this some thought. Not a good deal of thought mind you but thought none the less. Seven words that come to my mind are busy; big; noisy; multicultural; entertaining; arrogant; and expensive. But I'm pretty sure we can all agree on the obvious. Those are no brainers.

Toronto is like New York City only it's not finished yet. It's unfinished. The city is one of the safest in North America with homicide and robbery rates well below those of comparable US cities. So it's reasonably safe she said questionably. Toronto is a rather attractive city although it actually looks better at night but then again so do I. The people of Toronto seem to have an air of confidence about them. Canadians elsewhere might say that confidence translates into smugness. But then again it may just be that Canadian arrogance that allows Toronto to be so smug. To be continued.............

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