Friday, September 24, 2010

Spa Fly

Checked into the Ste Anne Spa yesterday and was immediately welcomed and handed a bag holding a white cotton robe. My friends and I were encouraged to wear the robes throughout our stay; in the dining area; treatment rooms and around the grounds. Instantly, it became evident I was not going to adapt well to my overnight habitat. Of course, the robes were optional. How odd in a room filled with many, many guests, our party of three were to be the odd ones out; having ignored the recommended dress code. Eating prime rib and crème brulee dressed as a Trappist Monk just didn't seem right.

The spa offered wellness clinics too so my friend and I attended the morning yoga class along with a couple of rather annoying spa flies; flies capable of carrying over 100 pathogens, such as typhoid, cholera, and tuberculosis just to name a few. Ever try taking a deep cleansing breath while trying not to inhale a fly? The instructor has asked us to consciously and thoroughly "let go"; to increase our abilities to induce deep peace and relaxation; to relax our entire psycho-physiological systems; to try and ignore the flies. It was me against the flies. Sadly, I would fail.

The beds were comfy. The food was great and so too was the company. And my downward dog was downright awesome!

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