Sunday, September 5, 2010

Tight Squeeze

When one moves from a house to a condo one would naturally expect to unload lots of unnecessary items like lawn mowers; pool accessories; snow shovels; kids; you know, the usual. And while you may give up a garage, a condo almost always comes equipped with a condo parking space. Now you would expect to give up hundreds of square feet of living space when moving to condo living, but what about parking space?

What I have come to realize is that condo parking spaces were seemingly created for very small compact vehicles; mopeds or mobility scooters. Besides, why would someone who decides to downsize to a condo continue to drive a seven passenger vehicle? (Well it's paid for.) My point is trying to manoeuvre a very large vehicle in and out of a condo parking garage is like a rather large woman putting on Spanx. It's going to take a while and it’s going to be really, really tight.

Needless to say since moving into the condo the van has accumulated a few more wrinkles. Wrinkles can add character but not appreciation. While it may be a little too late to try and make a few bucks off the van, there is no doubt when the decision to sell is made, well let's just say it will be the ultimate scratch and dent sale.

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