Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Mighty Wind

You know what sucks about long weekends? There's no such thing. Why do they call it a long weekend? It's over before you know it. It's a major oxymoron. It's right up there with 'gourmet burritos' which by the way is a new restaurant opening in Toronto on the long weekend. It will seem like a long weekend indeed if you eat too many gourmet burritos. I wonder what's the difference between a regular burrito and a gourmet burrito. The term 'gourmet' and its associated practices are usually used positively to describe people of refined taste and passion. Dos burritos muchacho por favor.

Labour Day weekend is a stupid name too. Sounds like a national day of recognizing the survival of giving birth which by the way wouldn't be such a bad idea. That is painful shit. It's like stubbing your toe multiplied by a gazillion.

It was a pretty windy day in Toronto. While volunteering for the film festival, I, along with several others, couldn’t help but notice a rather large piece of plywood break away from the high rise construction site right next door and fly through the air with the greatest of ease landing just short of the queue. Good thing too because that would have definitely left a mark.

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