Monday, September 20, 2010


I have way too much time on my hands and I continue to ask challenging questions of myself. Like where do all the lawn ornaments go when people move to condos? If I watch television does that make me a Philistine? Could living in a condo cause claustrophobia or agoraphobia? (Personally I think the condo and I are both suffering from diminished capacity.) It's incredible how much nicer you become once your kids are out of competitive sports. Is there a direct correlation between life expectancy and length of marriage? I've resolved myself to the fact weight loss is out of the question until my expiration date at which time I am expected to be 21 grams lighter. (3/4's of an ounce for my US followers) Will that move me down a dress size? Do you like Tom Brady's hair? Should I cut back on caffeine? Is it possible someone could be more messed up than Amy Winehouse? Why are back-up glasses always ugly?

These and more compelling questions will be addressed in the near future unless of course someone should offer me a job at which time we will need to discuss all future postings.

Well I'm off. Not in the sense that I'm off my rocker. I am off. Finished for the day. Done.

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