Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Party's Over

The film festival is now over. TIFF Lightbox, the rectangular beauty of a building which will be the official home of the Toronto International Film Festival is officially open. There were 300 films shown over the 10 day event. Of those 300 I managed to see just nine. Enough? How can you ever have enough when there is so much more? Technically between three of us we saw a total of 30 movies. In comparative dollar figures that's over 40 bottles of my favourite wine. Which begs the question, where are my priorities?

So I find myself with too much time on my hands once again. Whenever that happens I start thinking weird thoughts like too bad they didn't give mulligans for marriage. Where did my peripheral vision go and who put that pillar there? Or if 50 is the new 40 could I still be of child bearing age? That one really frightens me.

I so need a hobby. (and a good therapist)

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