Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mayor or May Not

So Toronto is preparing to elect a new mayor in October. The front runner is Rob Ford. If I had to describe him it would be as an angry man with a big head that's so red he looks like he's about to blow a gasket. And I am being kind. If he were to be cast in a movie it would be The Hangover and he would be the Zach Galifianakis character, except Zach is way better looking. He's like a bad date or worse, the guy you wake up with after an all night, all you can drink Christmas party only he won't go away. He sticks around for four long years and appoints incompetent people like his Uncle Lou to be in charge of the newly formed gun registry and the TTC. That kind of guy. Fun date.

In other unrelated matters, Toronto just held its inaugural nerd night. Nerds, dorks, geeks, dweebs, and the ever popular 60's squares met at a downtown tavern for an evening of presentations. It was described as the Discovery Channel with beer. Presentations ranged from insect sex to car stereo obsessions. A fine time was held by all. Then again, when do you suppose the last time was any of them left the house? Never the less, I would have gladly attended. I could have presented, "Where do all the dryer socks go?" There’s always next time.

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