Saturday, September 18, 2010

Getting a Word in Edge Wise

Another day another movie only this time I messed up on the selection. I inadvertently purchased tickets to the movie Edge thinking it was indeed the Bruce Springsteen movie telling the story of the making of the album Darkness on the Edge of Town. Innocent mistake. The title of Springsteen's movie is The Promise. So close.

The Edge was a Russian film that takes place in a Siberian labour camp. Yes it's cold, snowy, and not much to eat but potatoes; and there are trains; a couple of Germans and many Russians who were sent to the labour camps having been convicted of collaborating with the Germans. The movie is Russia's selection submitted for academy award consideration in the category of best foreign film. And even though the screw up was my bad the movie was not. FYI-The Promise will air on October 7 on HBO so it's all good.

Tonight we went to see The Town. It's the story about a gang of four thieves committing bank robberies in the Boston area and being hunted down like dogs by the FBI. There were loads of car chases and gun fights and really thick New England accents. The movie made me homesick for Maine. I may just have to plan a Thanksgiving holiday this year. Nothing like an American Thanksgiving with the family to recall fond memories and carve up not only the turkey but each other. I do believe Thanksgiving dinner to be the inspiration behind the Oscar nominated movie, "There will Be Blood." How fun.

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