Thursday, September 2, 2010


Today I completed my very first shift for the Toronto International Film Festival. My job was to assemble stanchions. Yes I had to ask just what the hell is a stanchion? Turns out, they're simply those metal posts you often see in movie theatres, airports and bank lines requiring patrons to stand in a single orderly line while waiting to be served. I have my own definition of a sanchion such as a lame attempt to project some sort of organized sequence of customer service; objects used to direct and fool the general public into thinking they must wait in line until hell freezes over in order to make a simple transaction at any bank in North America; the stimulus for the invention of ATM's. Wikipedia version-Portable posts used to manage lines and queues. So another fellow and I managed to assemble 60 of these things when we were told to stop. There were actually 150 available to be assembled. We only managed to damage two. A good three hours work equals two movie vouchers for the festival. It's all good.

NBC Nightly news reported that kitchens all over the US would never pass inspection. The culprits are dirty sponges; leftovers being left out too long; and dirty shelves and cabinets. This is news?

Nightly News also reported Beverly Hills 90210, was a popular television teen drama and also today's date. Now that's news!

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