Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Clean and Smirk

A new study at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management has made a connection between cleanliness and morality. The study set out to show that when people feel clean they feel morally superior thus allowing themselves to make harsh judgements about people. They tested their theory by handing out hand wipes to half of the test group participants and then asked all participants to rate certain subjects such as illegal drug use; smoking; littering and pornography on a scale of one to 11. The folks who washed their hands were harsher in their judgements. I hate to dispute their findings but already today I've made at least a half dozen harsh judgements about people and I've yet to shower.

And speaking of highly moral and ethical behaviour evidently a Manitoba Judge has stepped down after allegations that nude photos of her were shown to a man by the judge's husband in an attempt to get the man to have sex with her. Aren't judges supposed to be highly ethical and morally superior? Isn't posting nude photos of yourself on the internet considered dirty and disgusting? I rest my case.

So Toronto will soon have a new mayor. One of the candidates is Rob Ford, a Toronto City Councillor. Today's Toronto Star Newspaper reported that a resident of Toronto sent Mr. Ford an e-mail asking his position on bike lanes. The resident did in fact get a reply with some polite rhetoric along with "Insert Vague Response on Policy." Why not just insert, "yada, yada, yada, or "blah, blah, blah." Now there's someone who must feel squeaky clean. He'll make a great politician.

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