Monday, September 13, 2010

Killer Bees

Caught the movie "40" at the film festival. The title had everything to do with one of the main characters obsession with numerology, a belief in a mystical relationship between numbers and physical objects or living things. I wondered if the character was aware that 40 was the new 30. See? Sometimes it just pays to watch Oprah.

The movie is set in Istanbul. It involves three strangers; a bag of money (50,000 euro) that could totally change each of their lives; and killer bees. The director, producer and one cast member were on hand for a q & a after the screening. Many viewers had somewhat intelligent, bordering on interesting, in-depth questions regarding the movies production time; the music score; the actors and the city of Istanbul. I too had a question. I asked, "Killer Bees?" Really, what I know of killer bees I learned from Saturday Night Live." The director replied, "Ah, yes the experts." I was curious as to how accurate the depiction of killer bees were in the movie since the last I heard of them was in 1975. The director went on to say even a few cases of killer bees causing fatalities is usually hyped up by the media. So true. My synopsis of the movie however would be the following: Life can suck sometimes and lots of shit happens and then you die. Fun.

If I may take a moment to congratulate Rafa Nadal on his very first US Open win. Well done!

Tomorrow we see the movie "The Debt". It's got nothing to do with Bernie Madoff; Fanny Mae; the US economy or my MasterCard bill. Close though. It's about a Nazi war criminal and his capture.

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