Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bathing Beauties

Tonight we saw the movie, "The Debt". It's about espionage; a Nazi surgeon; and three Israeli's who track him down in the 1960's. It is impossible to properly critique a movie related to the Holocaust. It's like having a bad orgasm. It just can't be done.

Tomorrow we are seeing Peep World. It's about four siblings who come to terms with a book written by the youngest that exposes the family's most intimate secrets. How original is this? Remember Mommie Dearest in which Joan Crawford's daughter writes about how she and her siblings were abused as children. Or High on Arrival where MacKenzie Phillips writes how she had a consensual affair with her dad, John Phillips of the Mama's and the Papa's. This type of book and movie almost always capture the attention of a wide audience. I had a similar experience as a very young child. My parents forced my six sisters and me to share the same bath water and wear matching outfits. I could totally make a movie about being traumatized by this. My title would be Bathing Beauties and the Beasts.

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