Wednesday, September 8, 2010


My wish came true today and I didn't have to do any heavy lifting. Well I had to lift myself out of bed this morning. But today I was a label maker. I am certainly gaining valuable work experience as a volunteer for TIFF. Normally I hate putting labels on anyone or anything but today it was my job.

Newspapers reported Facebook is a big hit with narcissists. According to the Research conducted at York University, (yuh, I'd take that with a grain of salt; my kid could get in there) these people (that's not polite) use Facebook for self promotion. The nerve of some people. By the way, have you been reading my blog and checking my status? Seems women are most likely to self-promote through a carefully selected main photo. Yes I believe that photo of me depicted as the Little Dutch Boy is catching the attention of bloggers everywhere. Men self-promote in written postings describing themselves. In other words they do what they do best, exaggerate the size of their hard drive. (Get your minds out of the gutter.)

So today my theatre operations delivery buddy and I get on the elevator and there's a poster of a famous soccer player. So he asks, "Who's that?" And I tell him, "That's Kaká." And he says without blinking an eye in front of six other well dressed elevator passengers, “Like shit? Really?" I tell him really and he says the only thing he can. "No Shit?" Man, I love this guy and all of his tattoos.

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