Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Eyes Have It

I met yet another neighbour today and I didn't have to flood her bathroom or rescue her from an out of order elevator to do it. We met as I was headed to my van in the parking garage I now refer to as the concrete abyss. She told me she was one of the original tenants of the condo having lived here for 10 years. She then inquired as to the length of my stay and whether I enjoyed condo living or not. My pat answer was to follow. I was finding it difficult adjusting to the condo life. She disclosed to me that she cried for three months after giving up her 3300 square foot home only to have to move into an area with less than half that space. Misery loves company and we bonded immediately. The moral of this story is twofold. I am not crazy; (well that's debateable) and in 10 short years I should love it here.

So I heard a pretty good joke today. So this guy gets into a really bad car accident and wakes up in the hospital in a full body cast with nothing but one eye visible. He's like the guy in The Diving Bell and the Butterfly only worse. (Good flick by the way) He's extremely confused and anxious for some answers on his prognosis. All of a sudden the attending physician walks into his room; examines him and with little hesitation says the one thing the patient does not need to hear. "I don’t like the look of that eye."

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