Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Art Attack

This Saturday Toronto will celebrate the 5th annual Nuit Blanche. From 6:57 pm on October 2nd to sunrise, October 3rd, we all get to experience Toronto through the eyes of artists. This is a celebration of contemporary art with over 130 projects to be displayed and the best part - it's all free, so long as you can stay awake long enough to appreciate it.

I have been researching a few of the projects. One I hope to see is a video installation performance titled, I Cry for You, where an actor attempts to cry on cue while the director concentrates on getting the shot. Evidently the local papers have been sending out a casting call advertising 10 minute auditions where the performer must make themselves cry. I am anxious to see just how many menopausal woman show up for this audition. Cry on cue? If the director wants a challenge he should try making them stop. Then I'll be impressed.

I wonder if any men will show up for this audition and if so, what would make them cry; reinstating prohibition; a football strike (come to think of it this would make me cry); the Leafs winning the Stanley Cup; Lorena Bobbit? She wouldn't only make them cry but cry at a higher pitch.

Another project will be Dances with Strangers and you guessed it. It is an invitation to dance with the artist in a temporary space. So you could be taught to dance the salsa by a Kenyan in Istanbul or the Bachata in Oslo. I am definitely going to go see this and maybe even participate. We never go dancing anymore.

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