Friday, September 10, 2010

Close Encounters of the Turd Kind

I couldn't help but notice how tight things were on the subway this morning. Way tighter than any outfit worn at the US Open by Venus Williams. It was brutal. It got me thinking how during the threat of both SARS and the H1N1 scare the centres for disease control encouraged folks to practice the art of social distancing. Not a stretch for most Torontonians. Hell they could write the book on it. But how I ask does one practice this while riding the rails in Toronto during rush hour? I was so close to one fellow that I thought if this scene were in a movie it would border on an R rating. Smelled nice though.

Today I saw my first festival film, Woody Allen's, "You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger." (Seems I did on the subway) Woody does not disappoint. The only disappointing thing was while waiting in the rush line some moronic, know-it-all, "look at me I know all there is to know about the festival" ass, regales those of us patiently waiting in line with his unabridged synopsis of all films he has seen; will see; and wants to see. So I say to the girl in front of me, "Remember the line from Annie Hall, What I wouldn`t give for a large sock with horse manure in it.” Apropo don’t you think? Of course I say this loud enough for the guy to hear me. But he continues until the film he has selected is called. THANK GOD!

Speaking of God, before I forget can we all just take a collective pause and thank God for allowing Tom Brady to walk away from the car crash he was involved in today. Amen.

The newspaper reported today scientists say 65 is not old. Seems statistics agencies use markers that base age on the burden on society of supporting elderly people. That simply means that everyone 65 and older is counted as being dependent on the younger, working-age population to support them. Mind you the unemployment rate for younger workers reached a record 19.6 percent in the spring of 2010. Who`s dependent on who I ask you. (Now I sound like Dr. Seuss)

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