Thursday, August 5, 2010

Water Water Everywhere and Not a Drop to Drink

I want to dispel the myth that I am unhappy with my surroundings. On the contrary. Truth be told according to the Social Readjustment Rating Scale, a change in living conditions ranks 28th on the list of all time life stressors. Here's a brief history of time. I grew up in Maine; moved to Saint John when I was 22; moved to London, ON 24 years later; spent 10 years in London only to move once again to my final destination, Toronto. I believe I suffer from dissociative city identity disorder. I am Sybil in the City.

But things are starting to pick up here in TO. Good News. The tenants in the condo directly below us are no longer not speaking to us or pointing blame at my children for causing the flooding in their beautifully decorated guest bathroom. Turns out the culprit is a leaky pipe originating in our bathtub drain. Yes the Boyd's know how to make an entrance. Seems it's all fun and games until someone loses a ceiling. Hopefully all of those uncomfortable elevator rides will cease. I haven't seen so much eye rolling and finger pointing since executives of the three oil companies involved in the Gulf disaster testified before the US Senate.

In addition to entertaining our neighbours, I have also found a sucker, I mean, partner to play tennis with and although I have yet to win a set the law of averages says she can't win them all. I am reminded of those words of inspiration from the master himself, Yogi Berra. Words which hold true not only for baseball but for all sports. "Ninety percent of the game is half mental." Words to live by I say.

And lastly, I am happy to report I no longer feel as though I am living in a hotel room. Seems no matter what time I leave our condo in the morning, my bed remains unmade on my return. Now that's progress.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh no, flooding in your neighbour's apartment! Not a good first impression! I am sure that they will come to know and love you. Unless you don't want them too. Then you can try to flood other parts of their place! Good luck!