Friday, August 6, 2010

Day Dream Believer

Ever have one of those days where you did whole lot of nothing? My former co-workers might tell you those days were much more frequent when I was employed. Well on some level I would tend to agree and since leaving my job I have noticed those days are few and far between. But today was one of those days. Now having said that I did a few things like taking the subway downtown. I am no longer a novice on the use of the TTC. I am actually now considered a bi-traveller having had the pleasure of riding the subway both here in TO and New York City. I find I am able to draw a conclusion between the two. I call it a tale of two city transport systems. Both systems carry their fair share of shall we say, interesting specimans and I am certain that young fellow today was coming to the end of his day pass. But for me each system represents two entirely different things. While taking the subway in New York I was merely trying to cheat death. Here in TO I am on a mission. And today that mission was shopping.

But it was my companion and the lunch we shared that made the trip worth while. My son joined me on our trip downtown. It's the simple things like that that put a smile on my face. Like when we went to order and he asked me what pulled pork was. Personally, I have never been able to order pulled pork with a straight face but he really seemed to want to know so I erased any visual I may have conjured up in my warped mind and explained to him to the best of my ability exactly what pulled pork was. I must have made it sound delectable because he did indeed order it.

Tonight I went to see Inception. Or did I dream that? Not only would I recommend seeing this movie I want to find out how I can get a job on a subconscious level and alter other people's dreams. You get to sleep all of the time. Who would not want to do this I ask you?

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