Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Seven Days of Blogging in TO Makes One Weak

A milestone has been reached. One week of "Survivor Toronto" under my belt. Let's recap shall we. First of all I survived. Kudos to me. All wine consumed since that tragic first evening blog has been served in elegant stemware. I checked out Carabana and dipped my feet in the Georgian Bay. Dr. Zhivago has been removed from my must see movie list. I found my way to Roy Thomson Hall and back again with only a slight hiccup. I have found a lovely park to walk in daily although today's walk proved to be interesting.

Of all the parks in all the towns in all the world I had to walk into this one. I thought it to be safe since there is an RCMP Headquarters smack dab in the middle of it complete with horses and stable. Only today the Toronto Police were also in the area along with man's best friend. I was sure the nearest Tim Horton's was kilometres away so I grew suspicious. But this is Toronto after all so I shouldn't take anything for granted. Up ahead I spot a young family speaking with the police officer and knowing that there was a shooting in the area just days before and the suspect still on the lamb, I could only conclude the police were there for that reason and not because of my singing aloud to the new tunes my son had just downloaded onto my Ipod shuffle. "Billie Jean is not my lover. She's just a girl who claims that I am the one. But the kid is not my son." See what I mean? I think I may have been doing the moonwalk too so you can understand how I might think the police would find me suspicious because my moonwalk really sucks. So I stop and ask the couple if they know what the police are searching for. (preposition again?) They were merely asking directions. So I whispered to them so as not to alarm their young child that there had been a shooting in the area and perhaps they were looking for the suspect. Her reply was this. "No need to whisper. We live in Little Italy. We're use to shootings." I immediately came home and mapquested Little Italy. I think I'll steer clear of any walking routes in that area for the time being.

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