Sunday, August 22, 2010

Blame It On Rio........................

To all of my loyal followers, all 4 of you, you may or likely may not have noticed, no blog entry appeared for your viewing pleasure on Sunday morning. Circumstances beyond my control prevented me from posting said blog. In future, I will try to give you ample notice or some sort of warning to prepare you for such an ill-fated event. I can only imagine the disappointment you all must have experienced to find the start to your morning routine; the pièce de résistance; the highlight of your day; was on this particular day, no where to be found. Let's all try and come to terms with this shall we and move forward. Moving forward.

So I recently read that girls as young as eight years old are getting bikini waxes. Now I have to ask myself, "WTF!" How can someone that young have that 'situation' going on down there? And if you hear of such a thing being performed on an eight year old are you not obligated to notify social services? "Hello, I understand the young girl next door is scheduled for a brazilian." I mean seriously, I think waxing on anyone let alone a young girl is grounds for abuse or at the very least a cat scan. Evidently some folks think in 10 years, waxing children will be like taking them to the dentist or putting braces on their teeth. Just imagine the notes to teachers from parents. "Please excuse Jennie from show and tell today as she has an appointment with Bikini Me Salon and Spa. Aestheticians everywhere will be twinning with Kumon Centres and Montesorri Schools.

I have often thought waxing and tweezing could replace water boarding as a form of torture for prisoners of war. Waxing can be torture but can also be viewed as personal hygiene. It's a win/win situation. Not sure the CIA will buy into this though. Start a profile on me perhaps but take me up on my suggestion? Nah.

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