Friday, August 20, 2010

Home Work

I am preparing for a job interview. I know what you’re thinking. How fun for me. But lately I’ve been spending so much time at home I think I would now like to work from home. Be a great way to keep the condo clean. Show me someone who claims to be working from home and I’ll show you a born janitor.
I use to find I was incapable of keeping a straight face when coworkers would tell me they were working from home. To me working from home was like a snow day for adults. Taking calls from John? More like taking calls in the john.
Working from home also takes dress down day to a whole new level. Dress down to your briefs is more like it. Maybe someone should come out with a “working from home” clothing line complete with terry cloth robes with embossed business logos and high heeled sneakers.
People should be aware that working from home can be very bad for you. You will be tempted to watch television shows like Jerry Springer and the View. Before you know it you’ll be growing a mullet and dating your cousin.
Guess I really don’t want to work from home after all. I’m just rationalizing because I really don’t want to go through the painful interview process only to be told I’m not a “good fit”. I can throw a good fit. I’m physically fit. I’m just not the right fit.
Still I want to prepare so that when I get asked, “why do you want to work here?” I won’t answer, “because Jerry Springer is in reruns.”

1 comment:

Ashley Herron said...

For the first time I can actually say I don't think your post yesterday is funny. I think you can get more work done from home sometimes then you do at work. You don't have interruptions from phone calls, or other interruptions you get in the office. Maybe some people are just better than others at working from home. Although a clothing line would be nice.......Anyway good luck on your interview!